Peverly Hill Road Complete Streets Project
Eversource is currently conducting tree work, limiting traffic flow.
NHDOT has approved the Preliminary Design (the Phase where the project has remained for the past 7 years) and has given the City authorization to proceed with Final Design and Right of Way Phase to obtain the necessary land for construction of the project. The PS&E package is then submitted to the DOT for review and approval. Following NHDOT review of next steps, construction could possibly begin as soon as 2025.
The City’s Peverly Hill Road Complete Streets project continues to make steady progress through the federally funded and state managed LPA process. The following highlights the major milestones:
- In November 2022 the project received its NEPA approval
- In December 2023 the project received approval from NH DOT on the Revised Preliminary Design Plans
Next steps:
- The project must go before the DOT’s Estimate Review Committee (ERC) due to the large increase in the construction cost estimate, to determine additional funding needs. Additional funds are expected to be authorized by NH DOT in early 2024.
- The Final Design/Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) package for the project is currently underway. This is when the City is allowed to begin the Right of Way acquisition process to obtain the necessary land for construction of the project. The PS&E package is then submitted to the DOT for review and approval.
- After review and approval of the PS&E package, the DOT will allow the City to prepare and submit the bid package for review and approval.
- After review and approval of the bid package, the DOT will allow the City to begin advertising for bids on the project.
- Construction could possibly begin as soon as 2025.
Public Use & Necessity Hearing, October 14, 2021 (Legal Notice)
Peverly Hill Road Project Public Necessity Hearing Presentation, October 14, 2021
Resolution for Public Necessity Hearing with Addendum A, October 14, 2021
Peverly Hill Road Project preliminary plans, September 2021
Peverly Hill Road Project design details, September 2021
Peverly Hill Road impact detail, September 2021
For all meeting presentation slides and background information, click on the links below.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING MON JUL 12, 2021. For a recording of the meeting, click here.
NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING MON JUN 28, 2021. For a recording of the meeting, click here.
PEVERLY HILL ROAD PROJECT REPORT BACK TO CITY COUNCIL, Mon Apr 19. For a recording of that meeting, click here.
Lack of adequate drainage, narrow road cross section and right of way width have long been significant challenges to reconstruction of this busy roadway. The City has obtained a State/Federal grant to help fund improvements that will link the Middle Road/Portsmouth Plains area to the Route 1 corridor. The State funding for the project comes from the Federal Congestion Management and Air Quality program. The funding requires that the project be separated into distinct phases of Engineering/Conceptual Design, Preliminary Design, Final Design, and Construction. State and Federal review and approval of each phase of the project is required before the City can receive additional funding to proceed on to the next phase of the project.
Based on public comments and feedback during the Conceptual Design stage, the preferred alternative provides a shared-use (bicycle and pedestrian) path on the south side of the roadway, and a sidewalk along the north side of the road.
As of November 7, 2022, the project has received its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) approval.
The right-of-way process is now underway can begin to obtain the necessary easements and land required to construct the project. Preparation of the Final Design plans is also ongoing at this time. It is expected that the right-of-way process and Final Design will take approximately a year, with construction possibly beginning as soon as 2025.
Meeting Video

02.17.21 Peverly Hill Rd Project Status Update
February 18, 2021
Public Meeting to review design of Peverly Hill Road improvements 3.27.19
March 27, 2019Public Meeting to review design of Peverly Hill Road improvements 3.27.19