DPW Announces Winter Trash Collection Procedure and Automated Snow Parking Ban Alert Notification System
November 13, 2024
The City of Portsmouth Department of Public Works has begun preparations for the Winter 2024-25 season and reminds residents of the procedures for snow parking bans and ensuring safe winter weather operations for drivers, pedestrians, and City staff.
Smart911 & Snow Phone Notifications: DPW and the Portsmouth Police Department will continue to use the Smart911 alert system that sends text, email, voicemail, and Facebook notifications to subscribers. Snow parking announcements are issued ahead of an anticipated snow parking ban; alerts are issued when the parking ban goes into effect. All notifications are distributed through Smart911 and the Snow Phone at (603) 766-7669. To sign-up for Smart911, visit: portsnh.co/smart911.
Winter Trash Collection Cancellation: The following trash collection cancellation notification procedure will be followed: If the National Weather Service issues a Winter Weather Advisory (a forecast predicting accumulations of 3 to 5 inches of snow within the next 12 hours, or accumulating sleet, or freezing rain), there will be no trash collection on the following day. The next collection would then be made the following week on the normally scheduled day. The goal is to notify residents of the cancellation on the evening before their scheduled trash pickup so they can remove obstructions from streets and sidewalks. For more information and tips about snow preparedness, visit: portsnh.co/snowtifications.
Portsmouth’s snow plowing operations typically begin when snow accumulation exceeds two inches. If a Citywide parking ban is issued to facilitate snow removal, residents can take advantage of flat rate parking at Hanover Garage ($10 per exit) and Foundry Garage ($5 per exit), good from the time an Anticipated Ban is announced until 2 hours after the Ban Cancellation is issued. For more information on parking ban logistics and available City lots for the public during snow emergencies, visit: portsnh.co/snowimpacts.
“We understand how challenging and inconvenient a parking ban is for many residents. The Department of Public Works does not want to tow vehicles from the street, but can be forced to do so in order to perform snow removal during significant storms,” noted DPW Director Peter Rice. “We also want to be sure residents and City staff are safe when it comes to trash pickup during a snowstorm. By linking trash collection cancellations with advance Weather Advisories, it will be easier for residents to know whether to put items out – and to keep sidewalks and streets clear for snow removal.”